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¡Acaba la lucha entre clanes con esta aventura de golf y sigilo!

Embárcate en una aventura única donde el sigilo y la precisión se encuentran. Encarnarás a un ninja cuyo objetivo es acabar con una guerra centenaria entre clanes rivales. Pero no será una misión tradicional, ya que deberás usar tus habilidades de golf para infiltrarte en las fortalezas enemigas y derrotar a tus adversarios.

Cuando inicies el juego habrá tutoriales contextuales que te explicaran como se juega a medida que vas avanzando.


End the clan struggle with this golf and stealth adventure!

Embark on a unique adventure where stealth and precision meet. You will take on the role of a ninja whose goal is to end a century-old war between rival clans. However, this won't be a traditional mission, as you must use your golf skills to infiltrate enemy fortresses and defeat your adversaries.

When you start the game, there will be contextual tutorials that explain how to play as you progress.

Published 7 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
TagsGolf, Stealth
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Castilian, Spanish; Latin America, French


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Kanica_1_0.7z 80 MB


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Its pretty awesome, how long did it take to code ?

i'm glad you liked it! hmm, around 3 months or so by a team of 4 students, including me :D

That also includes game design, level design, modelling, etc etc!

Looks really really cooL! I like the graphics a lot!

(1 edit)

A game full of untapped potential please expand on the concept

I'm happy you enjoyed our little project! Thanks!!